What Are Colombian Women Attracted To? You May Be Surprised

Beautiful Colombian woman pondering what type of men she likes, standing next to a black man, a white man, and an asian man.

I will approach the topic of “what are Colombian women are attracted to” by emphasizing that every woman is different and it varies from person-to-person. However, I am able to provide insight from my dating experiences and observations from having lived in Medellin, Colombia for half a year. My experience includes having dated several women there and also being friends with hundreds of expats living there.

Colombian women are known for their open-mindedness towards dating, particularly when it comes to interracial relationships and age gaps with older men. They appreciate men who have a sense of style, pay attention to the finer points of chivalry and generosity, prioritize their safety, can communicate in Spanish, and are able to introduce them to new travel experiences. These qualities are highly valued by Colombian women and contribute to successful relationships.

As some of you know, Colombian women are some of the most beautiful women on the planet. A primary reason is because Colombia’s cultural history is an entwinement shaped by various races and mixes, contributing to the diverse makeup of its general population. Often referred to as a “melting pot,” Colombia has seen influences from indigenous communities, Spanish colonizers, African slaves, and immigrants from Europe, Asia, and the Middle East. This contributes to Colombian women’s famously beautiful, well-shaped bodies, as well as their distinctively caramel-toned skin.

Also see: The Complete Guide To Dating In Colombia As A Foreigner

5 Things That Colombian Women Like The Most In A Boyfriend

This guide provides practical tips for dating Colombian women, including insights into their emphasis on style, the importance of gestures and attention to detail, ensuring their safety, the value of travel experiences, and the significance of speaking Spanish.

A Sense of Style

Colombian women, more than any other country I have visited, place a strong emphasis on style. They have great fashion sense themselves and prefer men who have a sharp and well-groomed appearance. The good news is that looking sharp doesn’t necessarily mean being fancy or expensive. In Colombia, wearing expensive items like watches, sunglasses, and jewelry can be risky due to safety concerns. Instead, I opt for simple and stylish outfits like plain shirts, jeans, and casual shoes. One of my favorite outfits is a black T-shirt, blue jeans, and white shoes. I keep it simple with a cheap sport watch and a rope necklace.

Also see: How To Meet Colombian Women In Public | Daygame & Nightgame

Paying Attention To The “Detalles” (Details)

On dating profiles, you will often see Colombian women mentioning the importance of “detalles,” which is Spanish for “details” in English. What this means is that they appreciate acts of generosity, chivalry, and being a gentleman. They don’t appreciate cheap or stingy behavior. Essentially, it means thoughtful gestures such as giving thoughtful gifts, bringing flowers, and planning romantic dates. In Colombian dating culture, it is expected for the man to pay for all the dates.

Showing You Care About Her Safety

While it may be a common perception that Colombia is an unsafe place for foreigners and tourists, it is also important to note that it can be dangerous for locals, especially women. Colombian women greatly value the extra initiative taken by men to ensure their safety and well-being. I have heard many Colombian women express that this is important to them, as it shows that the man genuinely cares about their safety. Frequently checking in with her via texts during her journey home and asking if she arrived safely is a small but meaningful gesture. It is also common for Colombian women to live with their families, so accompanying her in a taxi or on the subway until she reaches home is another way to show your concern.

*An important caveat is to exercise caution in the Colombian dating culture, especially for foreigners. Only engage in these actions if you have thoroughly vetted your girlfriend and are in a committed, long-term relationship. If you are still unsure about a woman’s intentions and are in the early stages of dating, send her a text asking if she made it home safely.

While I cannot guarantee your safety, I wrote an article about some of the best strategies to lower your risks: 9 Tips For Dating Safely In Medellin From My Experience

Taking Her On Travel Trips

While this point is not unique to Colombian women, it is worth noting that they highly value new travel experiences. Taking your girlfriend to new places can greatly enhance her attraction to you. Many Colombian women I have met have had limited travel experiences outside of their hometown. Consider visiting destinations like San Andres or Cartagena. Once you are in Colombia, you can find reasonably priced flights and hotels throughout the country.

Want some good ideas for day or half-day trips? Then check out: 9 Romantic Date Ideas in MedellĂ­n That’ll Be Unforgettable

You Can Speak Spanish

English is not widely spoken and you may find that if you don’t know Spanish you will find dating quality Colombian women difficult. Some of the good women will instantly rule you out if you cannot communicate clearly with them in Spanish. I naively thought that my high school Spanish classes years ago would help me. I was terribly wrong. I suggest brushing up on your Spanish before you arrive with an app like Dualingo, although this wont get you all the way there. I enrolled in an immersive Spanish language school while in Colombia to fast track my progress.

Baselang Spanish school is the Spanish language school that I used and is based in Laureles, Medellin, Colombia. I enrolled in their immersion program and went to school five days a week for two hours each day. It also included unlimited one-on-one online classes. I’m not an affiliate I just highly recommend them.

Also see: Do You Need To Know Spanish To Date In Colombia?

Do Colombian Women Prefer Foreigners?

While there are women in Colombia that are open to mutually beneficial short-term relationships with Western tourists, I don’t suggest basing your opinions on Colombian women based off that.

Many Colombian women do show a significant interest in dating foreigners and embrace the opportunity of having a relationship with a man from another country. However, in my experience, I found that the best Colombian women have high standards and are not drooling over the opportunity to have a boyfriend from the Western world. You have to put in hard work to attract these beautiful women.

It’s necessary to highlight the difference between a tourist and a Western man that is living in Colombia. The high-quality women that have jobs or are in school, and are seeking a better future, are not easy to get if you are only in Colombia for a short period of time. These women have high standards and are not willing to invest in a relationship if they know you aren’t committed to spending significant time in the country.

The Western tourists who make opinions about Colombian women after staying in the country for 2 weeks or less, have a very skewed viewpoint of what traditional Colombian really are. When I met women in Medellin who were working in the SantaFe mall, they were seeking long-term relationships and made efforts to discover what my true intentions with them were. Honesty is key.

Also see: Tried & Tested | Best Dating Apps To Meet Beautiful Colombian Women

Do Colombian Women Like White Guys?

Ultimately, the preferences of Colombian women, like all individuals, are unique and cannot be reduced to a singular category. For me, I found that Colombian women do like white guys but not so much that they had an outlandish preference with me over any other race.

Just because someone is caucasian doesn’t mean that every woman in Colombia is going to drool over you. In my attempt to find good, quality Colombian women, I actually found them to be hard to get. Remember, that it is a Catholic culture with a traditional belief system. Many women are seeking long-term relationship commitments that lead to marriage and children.

Do Colombian Women Like Black Men?

Again, it’s very hard to generalize the preferences of Colombian women and it boils down to each person’s individual taste. I did notice a good amount of black Western men dating beautiful Colombian women. I think because of Colombia’s melting pot of a cultural history, there is no stigmatism for Colombian women in dating a black man.

As someone who strives to not see the color in people, I have friends from all over the world and a myriad of different races. The thing that matters is what type of character a person has. The women are very open-minded towards dating people from different cultural backgrounds as long as they are financially stable, treat her well, and have respect for her.

Also see: The Best Places to Meet Hot Colombian Women in Public

Do Colombian Women Like Older Foreign Men?

Yes, it’s very typical in Latin culture for women to date older men, typically 7-10 years older. They do prefer slightly older men because of their perceived financial stability, wisdom, and confidence. Age-gap relationships are quite common, but in my opinion, less than I see in the Philippines and about the same as Thailand.

When I was 34, my Colombian girlfriend was 25, with a nine year age gap. I also have several expat friends living in Colombia. One is 83 years old and his wife is in her 30s. What’s surprising is that when I hung out with them, I honestly felt that there was true love in their relationship. Of course, he supports her in a traditional type relationship. She doesn’t have to work, but she maintains the house, cooks delicious meals, and cleans.

Do Colombian Women Like Beards?

Recent studies have shown that women’s preferences for facial hair can vary greatly, with some finding beards attractive while others prefer a clean-shaven look. However, based on my personal experience dating women in Colombia, I found that all of them loved beards. Despite my personal preference for a clean shave, my girlfriend encouraged and persuaded me to grow out my beard.

It is important to note that Colombian women only like well-groomed beards. So, keeping it well-maintained is crucial. Thankfully, the barbers in Colombia are highly skilled and offer affordable services to touch up your beard. Moreover, I was able to get amazing skin fade haircuts for less than $5.

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