How Much Do Sugar Babies Cost? My Experience & Tips

Featured image for article about How Much Sugar Babies Cost, with image of middle-aged successful man with a beautiful blonde woman, with text: "Sugar Baby Costs"

Sugar daddy/sugar baby relationships have become increasingly popular over the years, standing apart from traditional relationships by creating a mutually beneficial bond between two partners. And for those men capable of traveling and living overseas, like myself, there is abundant opportunity for sugar type relationships with beautiful foreign women.

These arrangements typically entail a regular and ongoing connection, similar to having a mistress, rather than a one-off encounter with a professional escort. In fact, I recommend staying clear from hiring a woman for the night, as sugar relationships can be a lot more rewarding and fulfilling. Moreover, sugar relationships often carry a romantic undertone of dinners, flowers, and gifts. With both parties seeking these mutual benefits; the woman usually gains financial support, and the man enjoys the company of a youthful and beautiful woman by his side.

In this article, we’ll explore the costs associated with sugar baby relationships based on my personal experience, and I’ll share some tips on finding a suitable arrangement.

Also see: How To Be An International Sugar Daddy: A Helpful Guide

5 Factors Determining An Appropriate Sugar-Baby Allowance

There are several key factors that influence the typical “allowance” for a sugar baby relationship. The age and attractiveness of the woman, the country she is located in, the frequency of dates, and whether exclusivity is expected also impact the allowance amount. Additionally, any gifts, vacations, or other extras are typically provided on top of the regular allowance payment. Considering all these factors allows both parties to negotiate a fair, mutually beneficial arrangement.

#1: Age and Physical Appearance

The age and physical attractiveness of a sugar baby play a major role in determining an appropriate allowance, with younger and more conventionally beautiful women commanding higher allowances. Essentially, if she is young and working as model, expect to pay premier for an ongoing relationship with her. And like I mentioned earlier, women that are truly seeking a “sugar daddy” are not willing to do a one night fling and do not want to be associated with being an escort. A proper sugar baby will want an ongoing, steady, and reliable relationship with her sugar daddy.

Therefore, a stunning 21-year-old sugar baby who also works part-time as a model could reasonably expect to receive $5,000 or more per month in the United States. In major cities like New York, London, and Dubai, where there are numerous ultra-wealthy men, some sugar babies can even draw monthly allowances exceeding $10,000 from men who can easily afford to lavish them with that kind of money.

Your arrangement could be far less, if you are willing to sacrifice youth and looks a little bit. For example, a beautiful 28-year old woman, with a child, could request anywhere between $1000-3000 per month depending on the frequency of dates per month and her overall appearance.

#2: Location of The Sugar Relationship

However, finding sugar babies in developing countries can often mean paying just a fraction of what you’d pay in the US, UK, Canada, Australia or Europe due to lower costs of living. For example, I’ve had sugar babies in the Asia and Latin America where a monthly allowance of just $300 was sufficient to provide a comfortable lifestyle for the sugar baby.

The general rule of thumb that I’ve developed is to calculate the monthly minimum wage in a particular country and use that as the basis for the allowance you will provide, taking into account you will have one date per week or four dates per month. For example, in the United States, if the minimum wage is $8.50 per hour and there are 160 work hours in a month if she worked full-time. The allowance would be $8.50 X 160 hours = $1360 monthly allowance, or about $340 per date if done weekly.

However let’s do the example again for the Philippines, where the average salary per day is around $10. The math would be: $10 per day X 30 days = $300 monthly allowance. Most reasonable sugar babies I’ve encountered, unless they are supermodels, have been willing to accept allowances using this formula, especially when finding sugar relationships abroad.

Also see: Top 13 Countries To Find and Date Hot Sugar Babies

#3: How Many Dates Per Month

The third major factor in providing fair value allowance to a sugar baby is how often you want to schedule dates with your sugar baby. There are two types of allowance structures in the world of sugar baby relationships: pay-per-month or pay-per-date.

With a monthly allowance, you agree to provide a set amount of cash each month to the sugar baby. This allows her to budget and have a predictable income stream. The expectation is you will see each other regularly, perhaps 1-2 times per week. The monthly allowance could range from a few hundred dollars to thousands, depending on your other negotiated terms.

Colombian sugar baby with her American boyfriend on a vacation to Barcelona, Spain.
Here I am with my 26-year old Colombian sugar baby on a trip to Barcelona, Spain.

The pay per date model is more transactional but usually the best place to start as you proceed through the “get-to-know” each other phase. You don’t want to jump into a pay-per-month payment schedule before each of you have vetted each other and enjoy each other’s company.

With pay-per-date, you agree on a set amount the sugar baby will receive every time you go on a date together. It also provides more flexibility if your availability varies from month to month. Typical pay per date allowances can range from $200-$1000 or higher per date. I even exchanged messages with a Polish model in Krakow that requested 1500 Euros per date, which I politely declined.

The frequency of dates is a major consideration. If you want to see your sugar baby 2-3 times per week, the monthly allowance will usually be higher than just meeting once a week. Or if you only meet once every two weeks, expect to pay less monthly allowance. With pay per date, more frequent dates simply means a higher monthly cost. Assess your desired dating frequency and budget accordingly when negotiating terms.

Also see: Where To Find and Meet A Great ‘Sugar Baby’ Online

#4: Monogamy or Not?

The fourth thing to consider is whether you want your sugar-baby to be monogamous with you or whether you have an attitude that you don’t care what she does when she’s not with you. Usually if you are expecting monogamy, the costs will be a higher.

Also, the world of sugar baby dating can be a bit dishonest, so I wouldn’t trust the women if they say that you are the only man they date. If you put yourself in their shoes, why wouldn’t they have multiple sugar daddies? It would be a lot more money for them. However, if you’ve developed a good connection with your sugar baby, monogamy is an option. Many women advertise on the sugar baby dating websites that they only want monogamous arrangements.

#5: Gifts and Vacations

Realize that any payment agreement that you have negotiated with your sugar baby does not include “extras” in the form of dinners, gifts, flowers, and vacations. As mentioned earlier, a proper sugar relationship has a romantic feeling, meaning there is “courting” taking place where you take her for nice dinners and buy her flowers. You may opt to give gifts of cologne, make-up, lingerie, and chocolate as well.

Obviously, things can add up monetarily, so it is best to start lightly rather than going beyond your means from the start. Once you’ve been seeing each other for a while, you can create nice romantic surprises like taking her on trips. But realize that all of these are in addition to the allowance that you pay her.


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