How To Avoid The Most Common Dating Scams In Thailand

Hot promiscuous Thai woman in lingerie in bedroom with yellow caution border, with text saying "Caution" and "warning".

Thailand is a popular destination for travelers and expats looking for love and romance. However, you need to be aware of potential dating scams and exercise caution when getting to know new people. Just as in any country, including my home country of the United States, Thailand does have certain types of risks targeting foreigners when dating women.

Foreigners dating in Thailand should be aware of scams tied to dating, especially in red-light districts and online dating. While druggings and robberies are less common in Thailand than in certain areas of Latin America, caution is still advised. Avoid leaving drinks unattended and keep valuables secure. Foreigners should think twice before making expensive purchases and giving extraordinary amounts of money to Thai women. Also, watch out for other general scams like pickpockets and bag snatchers in crowded areas around public transport.

This guide will provide an overview of the typical dating and romance scams to watch out for in Thailand. We’ll cover bar girl scams, financial scams, robbery and druggings, and more. You’ll also find tips on safety when meeting matches, and how to avoid scammers altogether. Although I cannot guarantee your safety, with some street smarts and care taken in choosing partners, Thailand can still be an amazing place to meet a girlfriend or even a future spouse.

Also see: The Ultimate Guide To Dating In Thailand For Foreigners

Common Scams

Dating Bar Girls

Dating bar girls or sex workers with the intention of turning them into long-term girlfriends or wives is a common fault many foreigners make in Thailand. The allure of a young, beautiful Thai woman that looks like a supermodel is too much for many expats to pass up. Although some of these women dream of marrying a foreigner and escaping the bar lifestyle, it’s risky to become seriously involved if she’s well established in that lifestyle already. It’s better to stick to women who are new to the lifestyle if you want a shot at something long-term, although good luck getting a truthful response when asking that question.

Buying Lavish Gifts

A mistake that I’ve seen many foreigners make all over the world is leading too much with their wallet early on in a relationship. It’s easy to have empathy for a woman’s financial situation in Thailand, the Philippines, or Colombia. Many of them come from dire circumstances. It’s easy to throw around your Western currency because it seems so affordable on your budget.

However, buying extravagant gifts like cars and houses for Thai bar girls or online girlfriends is ill-advised. It’s best to stick with small, affordable gifts until you truly know someone. The lavish gifts can attract scammers and gold diggers. It also sets a bad precedence for the relationship and it’s often time hard to put the ‘genie back in the bottle’ later on.

Sending Money Online

Beware of sending money to Thai women you meet online but have not verified as real. In fact, regardless of the country, sending money to any woman that you haven’t priorly had an in-person relationship with is never a good idea. Many scammers will chat, text, and call you for weeks or months with no intention of meeting in person. They simply want to build trust and get you to send them money. I specifically require video chats and in-person meetings first before I would ever consider it.

I got scammed sending money online once before in Colombia and learned my valuable lesson. The extremely attractive woman said that she needed $50 in order to secure transportation to meet me for a date. Even though I thought I had properly screened her with video calls and social media, upon receiving the money via Western Union she immediately blocked me on all communication pathways. Never again!

Also see: How To Stay Safe While Dating Women Internationally (8 Tips)


Catfishing, when someone pretends to be someone else online using fake photos and profiles, happens frequently. Scammers will steal photos of models and create dating profiles to manipulate foreign men. Do reverse image searches on photos and be very wary of profiles that seem too good to be true. Again, I always require a video call conversation, as well as their social media profiles.

On social media, I look for profiles that have a long history of photos that date back in time. I aspire to weed out all women that have recently created their profiles as they have a higher potential for being a catfish. If they are unwilling to do a video call and share social media, then I am unwilling to date them.

Also see: 5 Dating Apps That Worked The Best For Me In Thailand

Gold Diggers

Gold diggers in Thailand will flaunt expensive possessions and an extravagant lifestyle with no clear means. Designer handbags, jewelry, watches, and activities at luxury venues can be signs of a woman just seeking money and gifts from foreign men. Tread carefully if she seems obsessed with wealth and status. Typically, their luxurious desires only grow stronger over time.

Sick Buffalo Excuse

A long-running joke involves Thai women asking for money by claiming a “sick buffalo” back home needs veterinary care. This excuse, and similar emergencies like a sick relative needing surgery, are common ploys for scammers seeking quick cash. Verify emergencies before sending funds.

Sexy Thai woman in lingerie laying down on a white bed, with text saying "“The allure of dating thai women can be irresistable. it’s easy to get swept off your feet, but always be on your toes.”

Ladyboys Pretending To Be Real Women

Another common scam that you will likely experience is ladyboys in online dating. Many of them decisively do not specify their gender on their profile and appear in the women’s section. They also enhance their photos with filters to soften their facial features to appear more feminine. It feels a bit mischievous of them, however, I do think dating platforms should do a better job of adding a separate category for transgenders.

To go more in-depth on how to spot and avoid ladyboys, check out my article: How To Spot And Identify Ladyboys In Thailand. The main point is to treat them with kindness and respect, they are a natural part of Thai culture and society. And when in doubt, don’t hesitate to ask them.

Druggings and Robberies

Although not as common as the drugging epidemic in Colombia, drink spiking and robberies do happen occasionally in Thailand. While short-time hookups are not for me, I realize that some men go to Thailand specifically for the women. Keep in mind it’s much safer to hangout with women coming from bars than it is with women standing on the street at night. Often times there is a reason a woman is working as a freelancer on the street – she may have been fired from the bar. Women employed at bars don’t tend to rob and drug their customers.

The risk comes when you pick up a freelancer from the street or beach who is desperate for money. In this instance, there is an increased risk she could slip something in your drink when you go back to your hotel room. This can lead to waking up the next morning with a massive hangover, missing valuables, and no memory of what happened.

To reduce the risk, it’s smarter to meet women who work at the go-go bars in Thailand’s red light districts like Soi Cowboy and Nana Plaza in Bangkok. These women are usually screened by the bar owners and have more motivation not to steal from customers in order to remain employed.

Also see: The 7 Best Cities To Meet Good Thai Women In Thailand

Other Common Scams

Pickpockets and Bag Snatchers

When traveling in Thailand, especially crowded areas like Bangkok, be very careful with your belongings. Pickpockets often target tourists and public transportation. Keep your wallet in your front pocket and bags closed and in front of you. Bag snatching is also common on motorbikes, so keep a firm grip on your bag. Leave valuables at your hotel when possible.

Although credit and debit cards are accepted at most commercial stores and malls, local shops and street markets in Thailand usually only accept cash. Therefore, I’ve developed a habit that I find particularly useful: only taking my cards out of the safe if I need them for a specific purchase or to withdraw money from an ATM.

RFID Cloning

One scam that I fell victim to was my debit card information was stolen and used to duplicate the card. Purchases were then made in Hanover, Massachusetts, United States while I was still in SouthEast Asia. Although I became aware of the fraud shortly after arriving in Thailand, it most likely occurred a few weeks prior while I was in the Philippines, Vietnam, or Cambodia.

This scam, called RFID cloning, involves scammers using devices to steal credit card information by scanning the RFID chip. This allows them to duplicate the card and use it for fraudulent purchases, often overseas.

Now I use an RFID-blocking wallet or sleeve to protect my cards when traveling. Even if your physical card never leaves your possession, the RFID chip can still be scanned from a short distance away. Also, don’t let your card out of your sight when making purchases. Check your statements regularly for any unauthorized transactions.

Also see: The Best Places To Meet Beautiful Thai Women In Bangkok

Safety Tips

When dating in Thailand, it’s important to keep safety in mind:

  • It’s better to meet in public places like restaurants, cafes, and shopping malls early on in the dating process, rather than going straight to someone’s home or hotel room. This gives you a chance to get to know them first and keeps things low pressure.
  • Don’t share too many personal details or financial information with new matches. Romance scams are common, so avoid revealing things like your home address, workplace, income, etc until trust is established.
  • Use caution when accepting drinks on dates. There have unfortunately been some cases of drink spiking in Thailand. Watch your drink being poured and keep it in your hand, rather than leaving it unattended on the table where something could be slipped in.
  • Let friends or family know where you’ll be going and who you’re meeting, especially if it’s your first time seeing that person. Check in with them after the date so they know you’re alright.
  • Trust your instincts – if someone seems pushy about getting personal information or money early on, or insists on going somewhere private too quickly, it could be a red flag for scams. Don’t feel obligated to give more than you’re comfortable with.

Staying alert and using common sense precautions can help you safely navigate the dating scene in Thailand. With some care taken early on, you’re more likely to make real connections and avoid being taken advantage of.


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