How To Approach Colombian Women | Daygame & Nightgame

Attractive foreign man and attractive Colombian woman on a red background with the text "Daygame & Nightgame In Colombia".


Meeting Colombian women in public can be an exciting experience for foreign men visiting the country. With their beauty, charm, and friendly personalities, Colombian women are alluring companions to get to know.

To effectively meet Colombian women in public, employ the Indicators of Interest (IOI) method by paying attention to social cues like eye contact, smiling, flirting, and winks. Colombian women possess the knack for clearly expressing their attraction towards you. Emphasize your style and show respect for Colombian culture. Avoid cold-approaching based solely on appearance, which could make you a public annoyance. By being respectful and attentive to social cues, you can increase your chances of connecting with women in Colombia’s vibrant social scene.

This guide covers how to dress, read signals of interest, initiate approaches politely in public places, and convert encounters into instant dates over coffee or drinks. With realistic expectations and the right attitude, you’ll be prepared to meet incredible Colombian women in Colombia.

Also see: The Best Places to Meet Hot Colombian Women in Public

How to Dress As A Foreigner In Colombia

When approaching Colombian women during the day, it’s important to dress sharp but casual. Avoid shorts, as Colombian men tend to wear long pants.

Some of my favorite daygame outfits are:

  • Long pants or jeans
  • Plain, well-fitting t-shirts in a variety of colors like black, white, blue, green, etc.
  • White leather sneakers or shoes
  • Simple necklace like a rope or shell necklace. Avoid excessive bling or gold chains.

I like to do some color blocking with my outfit – matching the shirt color to the shoes. For example wearing a black shirt with black shoes or a white shirt with white white shoes. This looks stylish without coming across overly fancy or trying too hard.

In Colombia, the key is finding that balance between sharp and casual. You want to look put together and attractive, but also approachable. Dressing too formally can intimidate some Colombian women when you try to approach them during the daytime. Stick to casual pieces that fit properly. Make sure you aren’t wearing wrinkled clothes or anything with stains or holes. Colombian women care about the “detalles”, or details in English.

Also see: What Are Colombian Women Attracted To? You May Be Surprised

IOI Method

The Indicators of Interest (IOI) Method is a great way to approach women in Colombia. It became my favorite strategy after dabbling with some cold-approaching that did not go well. It involves looking for signals that a woman is interested before you initiate contact. Some common IOIs to look for include:

  • Eye contact – If a woman holds eye contact with you, smiles, and looks away multiple times, she’s likely interested. Prolonged eye contact is a strong IOI.
  • Smiling – When a woman smiles at you in passing, it’s a sign she’s open to being approached. Big, warm smiles are especially welcoming.
  • Proximity – If a woman sits or stands near you even when there is space to move away, it shows openness.
  • Finding excuses to be around you – A woman may walk by you multiple times or find other excuses to be in your vicinity if she wants you to talk to her.
  • Asking for help – Women may ask you for the time, directions, recommendations etc as a pretense to interact.
  • Playing with her hair – When a woman primps her hair when you’re around it can signal interest.

The IOI method takes the guesswork out of approaching. I love it because I can easily fit it into my day without coming across as try-hard. The key is to always have awareness when you go out in public. You’ll need that anyways when you are in Colombia for safety concerns.

You can initiate contact, as well, before you do the approach. When I’m walking around the malls in Colombia, I try to wear an authentic smile, give head nods to women, and sometimes, give a small, friendly wave. You can tell right away if she is interested. If she reciprocates, you can confidently approach and start a conversation. Using this method ensures you don’t bother uninterested women.

Also see: The Complete Guide To Dating In Colombia As A Foreigner

Does cold-approach work in Colombia?

Cold-approaching is a different strategy for pick-up artists (PUA), essentially where you just approach every single woman based on her attractiveness. Yes, it can work in Colombia but I didn’t have a very positive experience. It is a numbers game but it is considered culturally taboo. Traditionally, most Colombian women meet boyfriends through their social circle and through their family, not out on the streets.

Also, women in Colombia have a serious fear when strangers approach in public. Armed robberies on the street are quite common and if you spook her because of a poorly thought out cold-approach, it will not go over well. This is just another reason I prefer the Indicators of Interest method. 

American man with his beautiful Colombian girlfriend in Medellin, Colombia.
Me with my Colombian girlfriend hanging out. It’s culturally normal for Colombian women to show their stomach walking around.

They key with cold-approach in Colombia is to avoid being public nuisance. A public nuisance is someone who approaches every hot girl, regardless of circumstances. Avoid interrupting women with headphones on, women that are busy working on laptops, and women that are walking fast to go to work.

Also see: Flirting With Colombian Women | Top Tips For Foreigners

Daygame vs Nightgame

Daygame is generally the safer and easier option for meeting Colombian women in public compared to nightgame. Here’s why:

  • Safety – The streets are safer during the day, with less risk of robbery, theft, or violent crime. At night, the risks increase substantially, especially if alcohol is involved. Sticking to daytime approaches reduces these risks.
  • Logistics – It’s easier to isolate and move a girl someplace else during the day. At night, women tend to be out in large groups which makes isolating more challenging. For daygame, you can easily suggest getting coffee, ice cream, lunch etc.
  • Opportunity – There are simply more women out and about during the day going about their business. You can find women in malls, parks, walking on the street, waiting for buses etc. At night, the pool of available women reduces as most stay home or go to bars in groups.
  • Sobriety – Both you and the women will likely be sober during the day. At night, drinking impairs judgement on both sides which can lead to poor outcomes. Keeping things sober leads to better interactions.
  • Reputation – Daygame is generally more socially acceptable than nightgame in Colombia. Nightgame has a reputation for one night stands, seedy behavior, and intoxication. Daygame is seen as classier and more genuine.

While nightgame is possible, daygame offers significant advantages in Colombia. By focusing your efforts during the daytime hours, you’ll maximize your opportunities while minimizing risks.

Gorgeous Colombian woman walking on the beach at night on San Andres island.
With my Colombian girlfriend at night on San Andres island. Being with a local is always very helpful.

Instant Dates

Taking a woman from approach to date on the spot if she is available in that moment is a great way to move things forward quickly in Colombia. This is known as an “instant date”. The key is to suggest a very low-investment activity like grabbing coffee or lunch.

For example, if you approach a woman waiting at a bus stop outside the mall, after a brief chat you can say “Tienes tiempo para un café rápido?” (Do you have time for a quick coffee?). If she agrees, walk with her to the nearest cafe in the mall or nearby and continue the conversation over drinks.

The instant date shows confidence and moves you smoothly from an approach to a date setting. It also gives you time to connect more deeply through conversation. Avoid suggesting anything too fancy or expensive – the point is to make it easy and fun for her to say yes. Coffee, dessert, or a light lunch makes for great instant date options.

If your instant date goes well, consider setting up a proper date. Here are some good ideas: 9 Romantic Date Ideas in Medellín That’ll Be Unforgettable

My Instant Date Story in Medellin

Instant dates work in Medellin, Colombia. On the street between the Oviedo mall and Santa Fe mall (Avenida El Poblado) is a great public area to do daygame. A drop-dead gorgeous Colombian woman was waiting at the bus station outside the Oviedo mall. I politely said hello and told her how beautiful I thought she was.

After chatting for with her for about one minute, I invited her for a coffee at the cafe about 50 meters down the street. Although the instant date went well, my Spanish was weak at the time and so was her English. The biggest lesson I learned was that I needed to learn Spanish ASAP.


Safety should be your number one concern when meeting Colombian women, both during the day and at night. Colombia unfortunately has a high crime rate, so you need to take precautions. I can’t guarantee your safety, but I wrote an article on some strategies to lower the risk: 9 Tips For Dating Safely In Medellin From My Experience

The most common crimes to watch out for are robberies and drink spiking. Robberies often involve thieves on motorcycles riding up next to you and grabbing your phone or wallet. Try to be aware of your surroundings and avoid flashing expensive items like jewelry or electronics. Carry only the cash you need for the day and leave the rest secured in your hotel.

Drink spiking is also a risk, especially at nightclubs. Don’t accept drinks from strangers or leave your drink unattended. Try to watch bartenders make your drink and keep it in your hand at all times. Avoid taking drinks from strangers. It’s safest to buy your own drinks rather than accepting them from others.

Use licensed taxis, Uber, or arranged transportation rather than hailing taxis on the street, which increases robbery risk. Avoid walking alone late at night in unfamiliar areas. Stick to well-lit major streets.

Staying alert and using common sense goes a long way in staying safe. But don’t let fear prevent you from enjoying the incredible country and people of Colombia. Just take reasonable precautions.

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