9 Tips For Dating Safely In Medellin From My Experience

Picture of Eric James with two beautiful Colombianas standing behind him with the text "Date Safely in Colombia"

Unfortunately, Medellin, Colombia has developed a reputation over the years for the dangers of dating in the city. Stories of robbery, assault, and even murder have led many to view Medellin as an unsafe place to pursue romantic relationships.

Medellin, Colombia, is known for being a dangerous city for foreigners to pursue romantic relationships, as it is associated with stories of drugging, robbery, assault, and even murder. However, some suggested tips include getting a hotel with security ID checks, being cautious about accepting drinks from strangers, always keeping an eye on your drink, dressing casually and not flashy, avoiding late nights, and avoiding walking in poorly lit areas. It is also recommended to qualify women via social media, avoid Tinder and Bumble, and integrate into the local expat community.

While I certainly cannot guarantee anyone’s safety, I believe there are steps you can take to greatly reduce the risks involved with dating in Medellin. After living in the city for 5 months and going on numerous dates, I managed to avoid any serious incidents and want to share some of what I learned. My experience was that most Colombians, including women, are very good people. It’s the few bad apples that carries out all the problems.

The goal here is not to scare you away from dating in Medellin altogether. The city has a lively singles scene and plenty of lovely people looking to meet someone. However, you do need to be smart and exercise reasonable caution. With some common sense precautions, you can have an enjoyable dating experience.

In this article, I’ll provide 9 tips for safely dating in Medellin based on my own experience. These suggestions address some of the most common risks and pitfalls. While not foolproof, following this advice should help reduce the likelihood of anything wrong happening on your dates.

Also see: The Complete Guide To Dating In Colombia As A Foreigner

1. Get a Hotel With Security ID Check

When staying in Medellin, it’s highly recommended to get a hotel that has security and requires ID checks for all guests. This provides an extra layer of protection and accountability.

Require any woman you bring back to your room to show a valid ID to the security staff. This will verify her identity and have it on record that she visited you.

Additionally, you can take a picture of her ID or social media profiles with your phone. Get a selfie with her too. Send these photos to one of your trusted friends or family members, so they know who you’re with in case anything goes wrong.

Skyline of Medellin, Colombia with the text "Medellin has lots of condos".
Medellin, Colombia has plenty of condo and hotel options as you can see in this photo.

Having her verified identity and a record of her visit can act as a deterrent against any ill intentions. It also provides critical information to authorities if needed.

Some reputable hotels with security and ID checks include Hotel NH MedellĂ­n Royal, Diez Hotel, and The Charlee. Make sure to confirm their policies before booking.

2. Watch Your Drinks

Be very careful about accepting drinks from strangers. Never leave your drink unattended, even in your hotel, condo, or AirBnB. Unfortunately, drink spiking and drugging is a real risk, especially for foreign men dating in Medellin. Keep your drink with you at all times, even when using the restroom.

Fortunately, I have never been “scoped” but have met some people who have. It’s a terrifying situation where you basically become a zombie and lose the ability to think rationally or remember later on what happened. The Colombian government is actively trying to make strides against the issue. When I was living in Medellin, it seemed as if several tourists died every single week from this issue.

You want to be fully in control and aware during a date. If you start to feel dizzy, nauseated, or overly intoxicated from just one or two drinks, excuse yourself immediately and get somewhere safe. Leave right away and get back to your hotel or somewhere with people you trust.

Full more tips about dating safely internationally, also see: How To Stay Safe While Dating Women Internationally (8 Tips)

3. Dress Casual

When dating in Medellin, it’s best to dress casually and avoid wearing anything too flashy or expensive. I recommend wearing plain t-shirts, jeans, and avoiding any visible expensive jewelry like watches or gold chains. Anything that looks fancy or expensive puts a target on you and they’ll see you before you see them. Remember the movie The Hills Have Eyes? People are watching you.

Eric James on a balcony at an apartment in Laureles, Medellin, Colombia.
My condo in Laureles, Medellin, Colombia. You can dress sharp without being fancy. Notice the long pants and the simple sports watch.

While it may be hot, Colombians tend to wear long pants when going out, even in the heat. There’s a running joke that the easiest way to spot a tourist is to see who’s wearing shorts! As a foreigner, I’ve found it’s better to blend in with the locals by wearing pants and avoiding shorts. Not only is it more culturally appropriate, but it can also help you avoid standing out too much and potentially attracting any unwanted attention.

4. Avoid Late Nights

Staying out late at night in Medellin can be risky for travelers and expats. I recommend being back in your hotel room by 8pm each night. Late night is really best left to the locals who know the city and its dangers well. Also, Colombians rarely go out alone. Instead they go out in big groups. They find safety in numbers.

For your own safety, consider the evening a time to relax in your hotel room or apartment. Catch up on sleep, plan your next day’s activities, or watch a movie. Nightlife in Medellin starts very late, often not until midnight, making it easy to skip.

Of course, I understand the temptation to experience the nightlife and parties that Medellin is famous for. However, I promise you I did quite well dating there without ever going out late at night. If you do go out at night, stay in well-lit, crowded areas and don’t go anywhere with strangers. Arrange transportation like Uber ahead of time. Have the hotel receptionist call you a taxi from an approved company.

But in general, as an expat or traveler in Medellin, I strongly advise being in your secure hotel room by 8pm each night. Late nights out aren’t worth the risk. You’ll still be able to experience all the culture and fun of Medellin during the day.

For an in-depth guide on the best places to meet Colombian women during the day, check out: The Best Places to Meet Hot Colombian Women in Public

5. Qualify Her Social Media Accounts

For online dating in Medellin, one of my most crucial safety strategies is that I always seek to verify their identity on social media. I never go out with a woman who says, “I don’t have Instagram.” What woman in their 20s or 30s doesn’t have Instagram in today’s world?

See how I meet women on Instagram, and my review of Colombian dating sites: Tried & Tested | Best Dating Apps To Meet Colombian Women

Here are several disqualifiers I look for. If they fail the test on any of these, I will never meet them for a date:

  • “I don’t have Instagram or Facebook”
  • Instagram or Facebook accounts without history dating back years
  • Less than ten photos on Instagram or Facebook
  • Abnormally low followers and following on Instagram
  • Multiple Instagram or Facebook accounts
  • No photos of her smiling or with family and friends
  • Over the top tattoos on body, neck, or face

Of course, none of these can guarantee your safety in Medellin. And none of these are meant to say that some of these women might not be good women. These are just the disqualifiers that I have developed and adhere to when I date anywhere in the world.

Colombian woman with a lot of tattoos sitting on a basketball.
There is nothing wrong with tattoos. But in Colombia, be cautious of women that have tattoos on their face and neck. They are more likely to be involved with the cartel.

Scammers often use fake accounts with stock photos or just a few selfies. So the more genuine life photos over time, the better. A long-standing Facebook or Instagram full of happy life events builds trust in the person behind it. In addition, try to setup a video call with a woman prior to ever meeting up with her. This will give you a little insight into her personality and will eliminate catfishes.

6. Avoid Tinder & Bumble

Unfortunately, a lot of the druggings and robberies associated with dating in Colombia stem from the popular social media platforms Tinder and Bumble. These apps are often used by people looking for short-term relationships or hookups, which can attract those with bad intentions.

I did briefly use Tinder and Bumble in Colombia and was getting a ton of matches with beautiful Colombianas. However, I began to get uncomfortable with it after so many women failed to meet my qualifiers in the previous section. At the same time, news stories were flooding the internet of foreigner victims of drugging and robbing from Tinder. And I have no doubt that I did interact online with some women who intended to make a target out of me. But thanking I think my filtering process helped me.

For your own safety, it’s best to avoid using these apps altogether when visiting Colombia. Opt for longer-term dating sites like ColombianCupid or LatinAmericanCupid instead. I met several awesome women from there. They tend to create longer profiles and provide more details about their life and what type of relationship they are seeking. But always be on the lookout and strictly adhere to the safety strategy that works best for you.

Hot Colombian woman that foreigner met from ColombianCupid.com in an Envigado apartment.
This beautiful woman I met from ColombianCupid.com. I found that plenty, but not all, were looking for long-term relationships on this website.

You may want to skip online dating altogether. In that case, check out: How To Meet Colombian Women In Public | Daygame & Nightgame

7. Meet the Local Expats

One of the best ways to stay safe while dating in Medellin is to connect with the local expat community. Many experienced expats have valuable tips and can help you avoid common pitfalls.

The Sweet Georgia Cafe (Instagram) is a popular expat hangout with two locations in Medellin – one in the El Poblado neighborhood and another in Laureles. Stop by for a coffee or breakfast and strike up a conversation. The regulars are generally very friendly and welcoming to newcomers.

Tell them you’re new in town and looking to meet people. They can introduce you around and give recommendations on which places and people to avoid. Having a few expat friends goes a long way in helping you navigate the dating scene safely.

The cafe hosts expat meetups throughout the week too. Attend one of the events to meet more of the community in a relaxed setting. Many lasting friendships and relationships start at Sweet Georgia. You’ll have people watching your back and giving you tips from their own experiences.

Another great option is to go to the Pickleball Community at Unidad Deportiva de Belen sports facility. They meet several times a week and many expats go there. I found it extremely easy to make friends.

8. Date Women That Have Jobs

Dating locals can help reduce risks compared to dating someone you just met online or at a bar. Consider asking out women that work at restaurants, cafes, or clothing stores in malls. These women likely have more of an established life and career in Medellin, making them less inclined to take advantage of foreigners.

I went on several dates with different women that I met at Santafé Mall. One worked in a restaurant and the other a clothing store. These women were not desperate to find a foreign boyfriend and did not give any promiscuous vibes. We never even kissed. There are lots of Colombian women with very traditional values and not quick to jump into a bedroom. Many are seeking long-term relationships.

Malls and public spaces are also safer first date options compared to going to someone’s home that you just met online. I recommend getting to know and asking out waitresses, baristas, cashiers, etc. that you regularly see as you go about your daily routine. This allows you to gradually get to know them in a public setting before deciding to go on an actual date. It creates a level of familiarity and trust that is harder to establish when meeting people solely through dating apps. While there’s no guarantee for safety, dating locals with established jobs reduces risks.

9. Stay in Public, Well-Lit Areas

Medellin has many beautiful parks and outdoor spaces to enjoy during the day. However, at night it’s best to stick to well-lit, highly-trafficked areas. Avoid taking shortcuts down dark alleys or deserted streets. This is an obvious yet important recommendation that Colombian locals gave me.

Shopping malls are another good option for evening activities. They have movie theaters, restaurants, cafes, and stores that stay open late. With security guards present, they offer controlled environments to hang out in. Great options are Santa Fe Mall, Oviedo Mall, and El Tesoro Mall.

Staying in populated areas with lighting goes a long way in staying secure when dating in Medellin. Don’t let the nightlife tempt you into taking unnecessary risks. Enjoy the evenings safely by remaining visible and around others.

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