Why Do Passport Bros Prefer Foreign Women? Here’s Why…

Featured image for article titled "Why Do Passport Bros Prefer Foreign Women", which image of Passport Bro pointing at hot Latin woman.

The modern dating landscape has undergone significant changes in recent years, influenced by the rise of feminism and individualism in 1st world cultures. While the advancement of women’s rights and the empowerment of women are undoubtedly positive developments, for some men, these shifts have created a sense of alienation within the traditional dating scene. Phrases like “I don’t need a man” circulate on the internet, fueling this disconnect.

It’s important to recognize the value of women’s independence and rights. However, many successful men yearn for traditional relationships where they feel supported, encouraged, and admired for their masculine qualities, not demeaned for it. These dynamics have prompted a subsection of men, self-termed “Passport Bros,” to explore the romantic possibilities beyond their borders, often finding a different relationship paradigm that better aligns with their preferences.

Attentive Relationships

Often misconstrued as seeking seeking “submissive” partners, Passport Bros are attracted to attentiveness — a trait that is commonly found in relationships abroad. Most Passport Bros don’t expect submissiveness, but being with a woman who makes effort to care for you is incredibly rewarding. My own experiences in Southeast Asia, particularly the Philippines, were amazing, as women there often sought to contribute meaningfully to the relationship by offering kindness.

Also see: What Is A Passport Bro? Here Are 5 Key Attributes

Cook & Clean – A Sign of Mutual Care

Passport Bros often express astonishment when foreign partners willingly cook, clean, and handle domestic tasks without being asked. While these are not expectations or demands, these gestures are seen as a foreign woman’s way of contributing to the relationship and keeping her partner happy. It’s about both parties contributing, creating a nice balance to the relationship.

I recall an instance in Cebu City, Philippines where, I was watching Netflix in my living room, only for me to discover that my Filipina girlfriend had been hand-washing all my clothing and hanging them up to dry. I never asked her to do this and had been frequently taking my laundry to the laundromat. It was an unsolicited act of kindness and was her way of trying to show that she cared about me.

Picture of beautiful Filipina girlfriend in Cebu City, Philippines inside apartment.
Here is a picture of my Filipina girlfriend who started doing my laundry without being prompted. I was very grateful for that.

Healthier Lifestyles Abroad

Upon returning to the States after long travels abroad, I’m immediately confronted with the unfortunate obesity crisis. In stark contrast, many countries offer diets composed of fresh vegetables, meats, and grains, complemented by an affordable cost of living. Places like Thailand, Vietnam, and Colombia are examples where fitness and appearance are cultural priorities. Thus, you encounter fewer instances of the obesity that plague fast-food-centric societies like the United States.

Also see: The 5 Most Popular Countries That Passport Bros Go To

Attitudes and Expectations

A common grievance among Passport Bros is the perceived attitudes of women in their home countries — high standards, independence to the point of dismissing relationships, and saying things like “men are the problem.” It is a culture that fosters narcissism and entitlement. These men often feel neglected by a society that celebrates youthful promiscuity only to find the women changing drastically in their mid-30s as the prospect of settling down becomes urgent in later years.

I can only speak from my experience, but I’ve noticed that the new American culture of Tinder, OnlyFans, TikTok, and Instagram, has led to a trend of young women and men who carry narcissistic, brash, and arrogant qualities. Of course, it isn’t everybody, and there are people who don’t behave this way, but it can be annoying navigating through the dating market when certain individuals behave in this manner.

Want to become a Passport Bro? Check out this article I wrote: How To Become A Passport Bro In 5 Easy Steps

Embracing Traditional Gender Roles

Abroad, many women still embrace traditional gender roles, encouraging men to be leaders and protectors while taking pride in home-making and child-rearing responsibilities. This isn’t about ownership or inequality but about finding equilibrium in the balances that have historically been super successful to societies. For many Passport Bros, returning to these traditional roles of masculine and feminine is not out of spite but a decision of personal choice for compatibility and balance. Anecdotally, it seems like in American culture this is frowned upon whereas overseas women are celebrated for it.

The Evolution of the American Dream

The idealistic American Dream, with its step-by-step recipe for success and familial happiness, has grown outdated or unattainable for many. The advice given by older generations, like my grandfather and grandmother — be a good man, get an education, secure a steady job, and then you can find a great wife — seems to fall flat in today’s fast-paced, often superficial dating world.

I followed the American dream. I got a college education, had a good job, and my own apartment, only to feel incredibly lonely in the modern dating culture of the United States. In turn, Passport Bros that explore dating in other cultures have found that these values still resonate.

Also see: Why Do Women Hate The Passport Bros? Here’s 7 Reasons

Femininity and Masculinity

Lastly, as Western women have adopted more traditionally masculine roles and traits, Passport Bros often gravitate toward the appealing femininity of women overseas. They are drawn to partners who exude kindness, softness, and careful attention to their appearance and behavior, contrasting with the more outspoken, brash, and assertive attitudes they’ve encountered back in their homeland.

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